Several years ago, back when the real estate market was booming and I was just an analyst, I was eating breakfast at the New York Palace hotel.
I found myself seated next to two well-dressed fellows who couldn’t have been older than 35. They were talking about how the one man’s new house search in Greenwich, Conn. was going.
After nonchalantly throwing around some home prices that approached the 8-figure range, the discussion about specific houses revealed a unique set of amenities at one particular house:
Fellow #1: “Does it have a pool?”
Fellow #2: “A pool and a pond.”
I couldn’t hide the smile on my face. Who was this guy? Ty Webb?
Nope. He was a hedge fund manager.
Starting your own hedge fund is the ultimate buy side exit opportunity, and it’s also the quickest route to the 8-figure house with the pool and the pond, or the yacht, or maybe even your own island somewhere.
So let’s get started and start our own hedge fund in three simple (but not easy) steps …