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Social Network for BusinessA few weeks ago I was golfing with a salesperson from a sell side research shop and a couple of portfolio managers from other buy side shops. Not exactly bottle service, but certainly enjoyable business entertainment given my passion for golf.

Over the course of normal golf course conversation, one of the other PMs told me his wife was the head of all social media for a large, national retailer.

“Interesting,” I said. “How did she get that job?”

He proceeded to tell me a story about how she started in social media as the “big brother” for this company. In a nutshell, she monitored the internet and social networking sites for any mention of the company’s name. If an employee posted something negative about the company, they were fired.


That got me thinking that we live in a brave new world and you need must be ready before social media ruins your career or your chance at a job on Wall Street. Of course, the power of social media just might be the networking key to breaking into the world of finance. As with all tools, it depends on how you use it.

In this article I will attempt to make sense of the new social networking landscape and show you how it can become a tool in your career search arsenal.

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Value investing stock analysis

American Idol kicked off a long line of copy cat reality competition shows with no end in sight.

All of these shows are all focused on the entertainment business. I think it’s time the investment management business had its own reality competition show.

I’d call it “So You Think You Can Be a Value Investor.”

Since every good reality competition show needs celebrity judges, I’d have Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, and David Hasselhoff on the panel.

Why Hasselhoff? Because I think adding the Hoff to a panel on value investing would lead to score of 11 on the unintentional comedy scale. Besides, I hear Charlie Sheen is busy these days.

If you really want to be a value investor, keep your ear to the ground as open auditions might be coming to a city near you soon. Meantime, read this primer on value investing and get a step up on the competition.

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